General Care Schedule

Make your health and your family’s health a priority all year long by staying current with vaccinations and checkups. Staying healthy requires more than just eating well and getting enough exercise. Screenings are a crucial part of preventative care. They help you to stay on track with things like cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as find more serious problems early, thus giving you more treatment options.

    Person Age Procedure Frequency
    Babies Under 2 yrs Well baby exam and immunizations

    at 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, & 18 months of age

    Everyone Over 6 months Flu shot Every year
    Children 2-18 Well child exam Every year
    Children 9-26 HPV vaccine Once (3 doses)
    Everyone 11-18 Meningitis vaccine Twice
    Everyone Over 11 Tetanus-Diptheria booster Every 10 years
    Everyone Over 16 Blood pressure screening Every 2 years
    Adults Over 18 Physical exam Every year
    Females Over 21 Pap smear, pelvic exam Every 1-5 years
    Adults Over 30 Cholesterol screening Every 5 years
    Females Over 40 Discuss breast cancer Every 1-2 years
    Males Over 50 Discuss prostate cancer Every year
    Adults Over 50 Colon cancer screening Every 1-10 years
    Adults Over 50 Shingles vaccine Once
    Females Over 65 Bone density screening Periodic
    Adults Over 65 Pneumonia vaccine Twice
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